Ncert Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 MCQ | Easy Concept

In the post, Class 8 Geography Chapter 4, the students will learn about agriculture practice in India with an interactive quiz as well as multiple choice questions (MCQs) that will be useful for the students. The students will know the different types of agriculture and crops in India. The given post will help the students ace their exams and enhance their learning experience.

MCQ Online Test


Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 AGRICULTURE MCQ

1 / 20

The inputs like seeds, fertilizers, machinery, and labor form a system called_______

2 / 20

Where is Rubber Plantation famous?

3 / 20

How much population of India is dependent on agriculture?

4 / 20

Which of the following are primary activities?

5 / 20

Arabica & Robusta are the varieties of ____________.

6 / 20

Which of these is not commercial farming?

7 / 20

Which of the following is a Jute-producing state in India?

8 / 20

Which crop is known as paddy?

9 / 20

Which crop is known as "Golden Fibre"?

10 / 20

Which country is the leading producer of coffee?

11 / 20

Which of the following are coarse grains?

12 / 20

Which type of crop is tea?

13 / 20

Which type of activity is banking?

14 / 20

Which of the following is an example of secondary activities?

15 / 20

Which of the following countries usually practice Commercial agriculture?

16 / 20

Which fiber requires frost-free days to grow?

17 / 20

What is the science of raising and keeping bees for honey called?

18 / 20

Which crop is used as food & fodder in the world?

19 / 20

Which of these are millets?

20 / 20

What is the cultivation of grapes called?

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Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 Question Answer

1. Give some examples of primary activities.
Agriculture, Fishing & Mining

2. Give some examples of secondary activities.
Baking of bread, manufacturing of steel & weaving of clothes.

3. Give some examples of tertiary activities.
Transport, trade, banking, insurance & advertising, etc.

4. How much population of India is dependent on agriculture?

5. What is agriculture?
The art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops & rearing livestock is known as agriculture.

Class 8 Geography Chapter 4

6. What is sericulture?
Commercial rearing of silkworms

7. What is the cultivation of grapes called?

8. What is horticulture?
Growing vegetables and fruits.

9. What is the breeding of fish called?

Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 MCQ

10. What are important inputs in agriculture?
Seeds, fertilizers, machinery, and labor.

11. What are the outputs of agriculture?
Crops, wool, dairy, and poultry products.

12. What are the types of farming?
subsistence and commercial farming

13. What is organic farming?
The farming in which organic manure and natural pesticides are used.

14. Write the different names of shifting cultivation.
Jhumming in North-EAst India
Milpa in Mexico
Roca in Brazil
Ladana in Malaysia

15. In which area is nomadic hearing practiced?
Semi-arid & arid regions of Sahara, Central Asia, Rajasthan, & Jammu and Kashmir.

16. What is commercial farming?
The farming in which crops are grown for sale in the market.

17. What are major commercial crops?
Wheat and maize

18. Give some examples of plantations.
Tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, banana, cotton.

19. give some examples of coarse grains.
Jowar, bajra and ragi.

20. Which crop is known as “Golden Fibre”?

21. Who discovered the Coffee Plant?
Kaldi, an Arab goat herder.

22. Which country is the leading producer of coffee?

23. What is the science of raising and keeping bees for honey called?

24. Where is coffee grown in India?
Karnataka, Kerala & Tamil Nadu.

25. Name the major Jute-producing state in India.
West Bengal

26. Which type of crop is tea?

27. Which crop is used as food & fodder in the world?

28. What are the two varieties of coffee?
Arabica & Robusta

29. Who is known as the father of the Green Revolution?
M S Swaminathan

30. What is the growing of flowers called?


What Do you mean by agriculture?

The art of cultivation on the soil, raising crops & rearing livestock is known as agriculture.

Why is agriculture important?

Agriculture is important because it provides food and resources for human existence and sustains economies around the world.

When did agriculture start?

agriculture started approximately 10,000 years ago.

Can we live without agriculture?

No, we can not live without agriculture.

What is the agriculture cycle in India?

The agricultural cycle in India generally consists of four main cycles: sowing, growing, harvesting, and fallowing.

Who were the first farmers?

The first farmers were from early agricultural communities during the Neolithic Revolution.

What is traditional farming?

Conventional farming is a traditional agricultural practice that relies on age-old methods and equipment passed down from generation to generation.

What are HYV seeds?

HYV seeds stand for high-yielding variety seeds. These are specially developed plant seeds that have been genetically modified to produce higher yields than conventional seeds.

What is modern farming?

Modern farming is an advanced and technology-driven approach to agriculture that uses innovative technologies, machinery, and scientific methods to increase efficiency and productivity in crop and livestock production.

How has technology changed farming?

Technology has increased farm efficiency through automation, precision agriculture, and data-driven decision-making.

Read Also: Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 Notes | Question Answer | Solutions


The above provides valuable insights and knowledge for students. By practicing MCQ, and extra questions of chapter 4 Agriculture,the students can promote better learning experiences. If you have any other queries about NCERT Class 8 Geography Chapter 4 Mcq or extra questions, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to you at the earliest possible.

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