Parliament plays an important role in shaping the way a country is governed. This post contains the Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Question Answers or Solutions given in the textbook along with a concept map and glossary which helps understand the material better.
This post for “Why do we need a Parliament Class 8” has been written by experienced teachers to provide students with a simple way to understand the answers to the questions. With this, the students can get higher marks in their examinations.
Concept Map of Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8 Civics Chapter 3

1. Approval: To give one’s consent to and be favourable towards something.
2. Coalition: A political alliance formed by multiple parties to collectively govern a country.
3. Unresolved: Situations in which there are no easy solutions to problems.
4. Proclamation: An official announcement made by a person in authority to convey an important message to the general public.
5. Tenure: The period during which a person holds a particular position with specific rights and responsibilities.
Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8 Questions and Answers?
1. Why do you think our national movement supported the idea that all adults have a right to vote?
Answer: Our national movement supported the idea that all adults have a right to vote to ensure equal democratic participation for all adults in decision-making. It aimed to establish a nation led by leaders adapted to citizens’ needs, eradicating the inequalities during British rule.
2. In this 2004, map of Parliamentary constituencies, roughly identify the constituencies in your State. What is the name of the MP from your constituency? How many MPs does your state have? Why are certain constituencies coloured green while others are coloured blue?

Answer: My State is: Haryana
My constituency is: Kurukshetra
The MP of our constituency is Mr Nayab Singh Saini
Our state has a total of 10 MPs.
Green-coloured constituencies shown in the map are reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST).
Blue-coloured constituencies shown in the map are reserved for Scheduled Castes (SC).
3. You have read in Chapter 1 that the ‘Parliamentary form of government’ that exists in India has three tiers. This includes the Parliament (Central Government) and the various State Legislatures (state governments). Fill in the following table with information on the various representatives from your area:
Answer: The following information 2023 on the various representatives from our area (Haryana) :
State Government | Central Government | |
Which political party/parties is/are currently in power? | BJP+JJP | BJP |
Who is the current representative from your area? | Subhash Sudha | Nayab Singh Saini (Kurukshetra) |
Which political parties currently form the Opposition? | Indian National Lok Dal, | Congress |
When were elections last held? | 2019 | 2019 |
When will the next elections be held? | 2024 | 2024 |
How many women representatives are there (from your state)? | Find yourself | Find yourself |
Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8 Extra Questions And Answers
1: What do you think the artist is trying to convey through the image of Parliament?

Answer: In the picture, the artist is trying to convey that our Parliament consists of people from all religious groups. Every person, whether male or female, Hindu or Muslim, Sikh or Christian, has equal access to Parliament.
2: Give one reason why you think there should be a universal adult franchise.
Answer: There should be a universal adult franchise because
It gives the right to vote for every adult without any discrimination.
It establishes a truly democratic government.
It makes the government responsible to all.
3. Do you think there would be any difference if the class monitor was selected by the teacher or elected by the students? Discuss.
Answer: The class monitor should be selected by the teacher and not by the students as the teacher will select the monitor by observing various qualities like intelligence, cooperation, active participation in cultural activities, and performance in sports, etc. Monitors can dominate the majority minority and misuse their power.
4: Use the terms ‘constituency* and ‘represent’ to explain who is an MLA and how the person gets elected.
Answer: The country is divided into several constituencies. From each constituency, a candidate is elected as the MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) who represents the people of that constituency.
MLAs are elected through votes in their respective constituencies during regional elections.
5: Discuss with your teacher the difference between a State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and a Parliament (Lok Sabha).
Answer: The difference between a State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and a Parliament (Lok Sabha).
State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha): It represents a specific state. Its members are called MLAs(Members of the legislative assembly) and are elected by their respective constituencies.
Parliament (Lok Sabha): It represents the entire country. Its members are called MPs(Members of Parliament) and are elected by the adult citizens of the country.
6: From the list below, identify the work of a State government and that of a Central government.
(a) The decision of the Indian government to maintain peaceful relations with China.
(b) The decision of the Madhya Pradesh government to discontinue Board exams in Class VIII for all schools under this Board.
(c) Introduction of a new train connection between Ajmer and Mysore.
(d) Introduction of a new 1,000 rupee note.
Answer: (a) Central Government
(b) State government
(c) Central Government
(d) Central Government
7: Fill in the blanks with the following words.
universal adult franchise; MLAs; representative; directly
Democratic governments in our times are usually referred to as representative democracies. In representative democracies, people do not participate _______________but, instead, choose their ________ through an election process. These _______meet and make decisions for the entire population. These days, a government cannot call itself democratic unless it allows what is known as a_______________. This means that all adult citizens in the country are allowed to vote.
Answer: Democratic governments in our times are usually referred to as representative democracies. In representative democracies, people do not participate directly but, instead, choose their representatives through an election process. These MLAs meet and make decisions for the entire population. These days, a government cannot call itself democratic unless it allows what is known as a universal adult franchise. This means that all adult citizens in the country are allowed to vote.
8. You have read that most elected members whether in the Panchayat, the Vidhan Sabha, or the Parliament are elected for a fixed period of five years. Why do we have a system where the representatives are elected for a fixed period and not for life?
Answer: Members of Panchayats, Legislative Assembly, or Parliament are not elected for life but for a fixed term of five years as it ensures regular accountability, opportunities for new perspectives, and change in leadership, which are essential for a democratic system.
9. You have read that people participate in other ways and not just through elections to express approval or disapproval of the actions of the government. Can you describe three such ways through a small skit?
Answer: The play can be performed in three different ways:
- To oppose unjust government policy through speeches, organizing rallies, etc.
- To draft a compelling newspaper article that exposes and condemns the wrongdoings of the ruling party.
- A group of students can play the role of media reporters hosting a television show.
10: Use the below table to answer the questions being followed:

A. Who will form the government? Why?
Answer: The Bharatiya Janata Party will form the government because it has got a maximum of 303 seats with the majority.
B. Who will be present for discussions in the Lok Sabha?
Answer: All elected members of Parliament (MP) from any constituency will be present for the discussions in the Lok Sabha.
C. Is this process similar to what you have read about in Class VII?
Answer: Yes, this process is similar to what we have read about in Class VII.
11: The photograph on page 28 shows results from the 3rd Lok Sabha elections held in 1962. Use the photograph to answer the following questions :

a. Which state has the highest number of MPs in the Lok Sabha? Why do you think this is so?
Answer: Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of MPs in the Lok Sabha because the number of constituencies is 86 which is the highest of other states.
b. Which state has the least number of MPs in the Lok Sabha?
Answer: Tripura has the least number of MPs in the Lok Sabha.
c. Which political party has won the most seats in all states?
Answer: Congress has won the most seats in all states.
d. Which party do you think will form the government? Give reasons why.
Answer: Congress will form the government because it has got the maximum number of votes from all the states.
FAQ of Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8
What is the parliamentary form of government in India Class 8?
 The legislature of the Central government is known as the Parliament. It is composed of the President, Lok Sabha, and Rajya Sabha.
What is the legislature?
It is the branch of government responsible for making and passing laws.
Is India a parliamentary form of democracy?
Yes, India is a parliamentary form of democracy.
Which branch makes laws?
The legislative branch makes laws.
What type of parliament is in India?
India has a bicameral parliament.
Who elects parliamentary democracy?
Citizens of the country elect parliamentary democracy.
What are the 3 main types of government?
The three main types of government are democracy, monarchy, and dictatorship.
What is the maximum number of MP seats in India?
The maximum number of MP seats in India is 545.
Why do we need government?
We need to maintain order and provide public services.
Which is the best form of government?
Democracy is the best form of government.
Read Also: Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Why Do We Need A Parliament? Easy Concept
Conclusion | Why Do We Need A Parliament Class 8
Why do we need a Parliament Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 Ncert Solutions provides valuable insights and knowledge for students. By practicing, Class 8 Civics Chapter 3, you can promote better learning experiences. If you have any other queries about NCERT Class 8 Civics Chapter 3 or extra questions, feel free to reach us so we can get back to you as soon as possible.