Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers are important for students to prepare for exams. Students will get to know the whole concept of the chapter. Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers will help them score good marks on the exam & this post will assist students in preparing all objective types of Questions for their Social Science exam.

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

1. Why were people dissatisfied with British rule in the 1870s and 1880s?
Answer: People were dissatisfied with British rule due to the following two acts which were passed by the British in the 1870s and 1880s.
a) The Arms Act, 1878– According to this act, Indians were not allowed to process arms.
b) The Vernacular Press Act– This was a law enacted in British India in 1878 by Lord Lytton. It aimed to control and censor the vernacular press in India, which was seen as a threat to British colonial rule.

2. Who did the Indian National Congress wish to speak for?
ANSWER: Indian National Congress wished to speak for all the people of India without any discrimination.

3. What economic impact did the First World War have on India?
ANSWER: The First World War had a significant economic impact on India.
a) The war led to an increase in India’s industrial output and agricultural production, as the demand for goods and services increased.
b) The war led to shortages of essential goods and a decline in living standards for the Indian population.
c) The war led to the recruitment of millions of Indian soldiers.
d) Taxes were increased on individuals and businesses.
e) The price of all commodities increased.

4. What did the Muslim League resolution of 1940 ask for?
ANSWER: In 1940, the Muslim League asked for demanding separated States for Muslims in the northwestern and eastern areas of the country.

5. Who were the Moderates? How did they propose to struggle against British rule?
ANSWER: A group of Indian leaders who emerged in the Indian National Congress in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were called “Moderates”. They believed in gradual reforms within the framework of British colonial rule in India. such as Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozeshah Mehta, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Banerjee, etc.

They proposed the following measures to struggle against British rule-
a) Demands for greater representation of Indians in the legislative councils and the civil service.
b) to promote Indian industry and commerce.
c) To Call for an end to discriminatory policies such as the Vernacular Press Act.
d) demand for greater freedom of expression and association.
e) To Promote education and social reforms to uplift the condition of the Indian masses.

6. How was the politics of the Radicals within Congress different from that of the Moderates?
ANSWER: The Politics of the Radicals:
The Radicals believed in direct and forceful methods of struggle against British rule. They advocated for a complete boycott of British goods and institutions. The most important leaders of this group were such as Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bipin Chandra Pal, and Aurobindo Ghosh.
The Politics of the Moderates:
The Moderates believed in gradual reforms within the framework of British colonial rule. They were more cautious and preferred to limit the boycott to British goods. The most important leaders of this group were such as Dadabhai Naoroji, Pherozeshah Mehta, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Banerjee, etc.

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
Radicals & Moderates leaders Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

7. Discuss the various forms that the Non-Cooperation Movement took in different parts of India. How did the people understand Gandhiji?
ANSWER: The various forms that the Non-Cooperation Movement took in different parts of India:
a) Indian middle class boycotted British goods and institutions in urban areas.
b) People refused to pay taxes, participate in British-run institutions, or cooperate with the British authorities in any way.
c) The use of the charkha and khadi became the symbols of Indian self-reliance.
d) Both communities Hindus & Muslims came together to protest against British colonialism.

The people of India understood Gandhi as a leader who could unify the diverse communities of India in a common struggle for freedom. He was seen as a symbol of hope and inspiration.

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

8. Why did Gandhiji choose to break the salt law?
ANSWER: Mahatma Gandhi chose to break the salt law in 1930 because it was a colonial-era law that imposed a heavy tax on salt, which was an essential commodity for the Indian people. The law made it illegal for Indians to produce or sell salt and forced them to buy it from the British authorities at high prices.

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
SALT LAW |Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

9. Discuss those developments of the 1937-47 period that led to the creation of Pakistan.
The developments of the 1937-47 period that led to the creation of Pakistan were the following:

a) The failure of the Congress-Muslim League talks: The Indian National Congress and the All India Muslims had been engaged in talks to find a solution to the communal problem in India. but the talks failed as Congress refused to accept the Muslim League’s demand for a separate Muslim state.

b) The Lahore Resolution of 1940: In March 1940, the Muslim League held its annual meeting in Lahore, where it passed a resolution calling for the creation of a separate Muslim state in India.

c) The Muslim League’s electoral victories: In the provincial elections of 1946, the Muslim League won a majority of the Muslim seats to represent the Muslim community.

d) The British government’s announcement of Indian independence: In February 1947, the British government announced granting India independence by June 1948 and separated states for Muslims in the northwestern and north-eastern regions of India.

e) Communal violence and migration: The announcement of the partition of India led to widespread communal violence between Hindus and Muslims in Punjab and Bengal. Millions of people, including Hindus and Sikhs fled to India, and Muslims fled to Pakistan.

Short Questions and Answers

1. Who was an Indian businessman and publicist based in London?
ANSWER: Dadabhai Naroji

2. Who was the English founder of Congress?
ANSWER: A.O. Hume.  (Allan Octavian Hume)

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
A.O. Hume. 

3. Who was the first Muslim President of the Indian National Congress?
ANSWER: Badruddin Tayabji

4. Who allowed for the trial of Europeans by Indians?
ANSWER: Ilbert Bill

5. What did The struggle for the Partition of Bengal come to be known as?
ANSWER: Swadeshi Movement

6. In which year was the Partition of Bengal announced?
ANSWER: 1905

7. Where did the Vandemataram Movement take place?
ANSWER: Deltaic Andhra

8. Which newspaper was edited by Bal Gangadhar Tilak & which language?
ANSWER: Kesari in the Marathi language.

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers

9. Name a book written by Dadabhai Naroji.
ANSWER: Poverty and Un-British Rule in India

10. Which Act was passed in 1878?
ANSWER: Vernacular Press Act.

11. From which country did Gandhiji arrive in India in 1915?
ANSWER: South Africa

12. Who supported The Partition of Bengal?
ANSWER: Muslim League

13. When was The Arms Act passed?

14. Name the first movement successfully led by Gandhiji in India. 
ANSWER: Champaran Movement

15. Which Act was passed in 1919?
ANSWER: Rowlatt Act

16. Who was the Viceroy of India when the partition of Bengal was announced?
ANSWER: Lord Curzon

17. Who returned his knighthood after learning about Jallianwala mascara?
Rabindranath Tagore

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
Rabindranath Tagore

18. Which slogan was given by Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak?
ANSWER: Freedom is our Birthright, I shall have to take it.

19. Who was the leader of the Khilafat movement?
ANSWER: Mohammad Ali

20. Who gave up his law practice when Gandhiji started the Non-Cooperation Movement?
ANSWER: C. Rajgopalchari. (Chakravarti Rajgopalchari)

21. Where & when was the All India Muslim League formed?
ANSWER: Dacca in 1906 

22. When was  Jallianwala Massacre took place?
ANSWER: 1919 in Amritsar

23. When did Gandhiji lead the Millworkers’ strike in Ahmedabad?

24. Who established the Natal Congress in South Africa?
ANSWER: Gandhiji 

25. Who was the head of the Simon Commission?
ANSWER: Lord Simon

26. Congress fought for Purna Swaraj under the leadership of ____ in 1930.
ANSWER: Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

27. Which Movement was launched in 1930?
ANSWER: Civil Disobedience Movement.

28. Who founded the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association?
ANSWER: Chandrasekhar Azad

29. Who was a lawyer and freedom fighter from East Bengal?
ANSWER: Chitta Ranjan Das

30. Why did Gandhiji call off the Non-Cooperation movement?
Because of violence in Chauri Chaura.

31. By whom was Dandi March led & when?
ANSWER: By Mahatma Gandhi in 1930.

32. When did the Quit India Movement take place?
ANSWER: 1942

33. When was The Government of India Act passed?
ANSWER: 1935

34. Who was the first woman president of Congress?
ANSWER: Mrs. Sarojini Naidu.

35. Who was the founder of the Indian National Army?
ANSWER: Subhash Chandra Bose.

36. On which river bank is Ahmedabad located?
ANSWER: Sabarmati River.

37. Name the leaders who are known as Lal, Bal, and Pal.
ANSWER: Lala Lajpat Roy, Bal Gangadha Tilak and Bipin Chander Pal.

38. Who was the great Indian Muslim philosopher who was also considered the Father of Muslim Nationalism?
ANSWER: Syed Ahmad Khan

Class 8 History Chapter 9 Questions and Answers
Syed Ahmad Khan

Read Also: Nationalism in India Class 10 Notes


1. What is the making of the national movement?

The Indian national movement began in the late 19th century, fueled by a desire among Indians to end British colonial rule and attain greater autonomy and self-determination.

2. What were the objectives of the making of the national movement?

The objectives of the Indian national movement were to end British colonial rule, attain greater political and economic autonomy, promote social and religious reform, and foster a sense of national unity and identity among the diverse peoples of India.

3. Who started the national movement?

The Indian national movement was started by several individuals and groups, such as Dadabhai Naoroji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Subhas Chandra Bose.


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