India After Independence Class 8 Questions and Answers | Solutions

In the years that followed after India gained freedom from British Rule, the country faced a major challenge in introducing democracy and creating a plan for the social and economic development of the people. Here is India After Independence Class 8 NCERT Solutions History Chapter 10. This post will help you to learn easily Chapter 10 India After Independence Class 8 questions and answers.

Key Words

1. Linguistic: Relating to language.
2. Ceasefire: A time when enemies agree to stop fighting.
3. Superpower: Any country in the world that has great military or economic power.
4. Accession: The act of becoming part of an international organization.
5. Bonded labour: Forced work for an employer for a fixed time without being paid.

india after independence class 8 mind map
Mind Map

India After Independence Class 8 Solutions

Let’s recall

1. Name three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced. 
ANSWER: Three problems that the newly independent nation of India faced were:
(i) Integration of princely states: At the time of independence, there were 565 princely states in India. The government had to persuade them to join the new nation.
(ii) Communalism: Due to the partition of India & Pakistan, the communal riots led to the destruction of human life and property. About 15 million refugees came to India from Pakistan. There was a problem with settling them in India before the government.
(iii) Adoption of the new Constitution: The new nation’s government had to adopt a political system that would best serve the country’s development.

2. What was the role of the Planning Commission?
Answer: Role of the Planning Commission
1. To raise the standard of living of the people by efficiently using the country’s resources.
2. Building a modem technical and industrial base.
3. To achieve a balance between the different regions and states.
4. To make 5-year plans.
5. To increase production and employ all.

3. Fill in the blanks.
1. Subjects that were placed on the Union List were ………….., …………, and …………….
2. Subjects on the Concurrent List were …………… & …………….
3. Economic planning by which both the state and the private sector played a role in development was called a …………. model.
4. The death of …………. sparked off such violent protests that the government was forced to give in to the demand for the linguistic state of Andhra.

Answer: 1. Taxes, defence, foreign affairs
2. Forests, agriculture
3. Mixed economy
4. Potti Sriramulu

4. State whether true or false:
1. At independence, the majority of Indians lived in villages.
2. The Constituent Assembly was made up of members of the Congress Party.
3. In the first national election, only men were allowed to vote.
4. The Second Five Year Plan focused on the development of the heavy industry.

Answer: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True

Let’s discuss

5. What did Dr Ambedkar mean when he said, “In politics, we will have equality, and in social and economic life we will have inequality”?
Answer: Dr. Ambedkar meant that in political life Universal Adult Franchise would give equality. We have a one-person-vote policy. But this would not automatically remove inequality between castes, rich or poor. In our social and economic life, the principle of one man one value will still be denied.

6. After Independence, why was there a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic times?
: There was a reluctance to divide the country on linguistic times because India had been divided based on religion. The partition had killed millions of people. It feared that the division of the country on a linguistic base could disrupt its unity and integrity.

7. Give one reason why English continued to be used in India after Independence.
English continued to be used in India after Independence because south Indian states expressed strong opposition to Hindi.

8. How was the economic development of India visualized in the early decades after Independence?
Answer: The economic development of India was visualized in the early decades after Independence in the following ways:
1. In 1950, the government set up a Planning Commission to help design and execute suitable policies for economic development.
2. The government adopted the “mixed economy’ model.
3. In 1956, the Second Five Years Plan was formulated to focus on the development of heavy industries and the building of large dams.

Let’s do

9. Who was Mira Behn? Find out more about her life and her ideas.
Answer: Mira Behn was a follower of Mahatma Gandhi. She was greatly impressed by the ideals, philosophy, and ways of working of Gandhiji. She worked against caste discrimination, and untouchability, in favour of women’s equality and rights. She emphasized the development of agriculture, cottage, industries, and education.

10. Find out more about the language divisions in Pakistan that led to the creation of the new nation of Bangladesh. How did Bangladesh achieve independence from Pakistan?
Answer: In 1948, the government of Pakistan recognized Urdu as the national language which led to the creation of the new nation of Bangladesh.
In 1971, a third war between India and Pakistan and the secession of East Pakistan broke out. In this war,  Bengalis helped the Indian military and fought against the West Pakistani army. West Pakistan was defeated by the joint forces of Bangladesh and India & creating the independent state of Bangladesh.

India after independence class 8 extra questions and answers

1. When did India become independent?
Answer: August 15, 1947

2. How many refugees had come into the country during the partition?
Answer: 8 million

3. How many princely states were there in India at the time of independence?
Answer: 565

4. When did the Indian Constitution come into effect?
Answer: January 26, 1950

5. What do you mean by franchise?
Answer: The right to vote

6. Who was the first Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

7. What are the three lists of subjects in India?
Answer: 1. Union List
2. State list
3. Concurrent List

8. Who is known as ‘Baba Saheb’?
Answer: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Baba Saheb | India After Independence Class 8
Baba Saheb

9. What is the official language of India?
Answer: Hindi

10. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
Answer: Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

11. What do you mean by the term ‘linguistic’?
Answer: Relating to language

12. Who was the first Deputy Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

13. Which was the first state to be created on the base of language?
Answer: Andhra Pradesh

14. When was the state of Andhra Pradesh created?
Answer: 1 October 1953

15. Into how many states and Union Territories was India divided under the States Reorganisation Act 1956?
Answer: 14 states & 6 Union Territories

16. Which Commission was established in 1950?
Answer: Planning Commission

17. What was the aim of setting up the Planning Commission?
Answer: To help design and execute suitable policies for economic development.

18. When was the first five-year plan launched?
Answer: 1951

19. What is the full form of NAM?
Answer: Non-Aligned Movement

20. Who was Mira Behn?
Answer: The follower of Mahatma Gandhi

Mira Behn | India After Independence Class 8
Mira Behn

21. From which country was the idea of The year’s plan taken?
Answer: Soviet Union

22. Which state of India was ruled by Hindu ruler Maharaja Hari Singh with a majority of Muslims?
Answer: Kashmir

23. Who shot and killed Mahatma Gandhiji?
Answer: Nathuram Godse

24. What is NITI Aayog?
Answer: NITI Aayog was replaced with the Planning Commission in 2015.

25. What is the full form of NITI?
Answer: National Institute for Transforming India.


1. When did India gain independence?

India gained independence from British colonial rule on August 15, 1947.

2. What were the main challenges faced by India after independence?

Partition-related violence, the task of nation-building, economic development, poverty alleviation, and social reforms.

3. What were the major developments in the field of education after independence?

After independence, India focused on education by establishing educational institutions, implementing policies for free and compulsory education, and promoting literacy campaigns.


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