Urban Administration Class 6 Civics Chapter 7 | Easy Concept

In this post, we have provided the Urban Administration class 6 Civics Chapter 7 Questions and Answers. Students can learn questions and answers quickly from the Ncert book which has been added to the new exam pattern. These solutions have also been provided for your reference.

Concept Map of Urban Administration Class 6

Concept Map of Urban Administration Class 6 Civics Chapter 7
Concept Map of Urban Administration Class 6 Civics Chapter 7

Key Words of Urban Administration Class 6

1. Civic: connected with the people who live in a city.
2. Amenities: features that make a place pleasant and comfortable to live in.
3. Redress: To correct something that is wrong.
4. Toll: A road tax paid to use a particular road or bridge.
5. Ward Councillor: Elected representative of a ward in a corporation.

urban administration class 6 questions answers:

Answer the following questions

Q1. Why did the children go to Yasmin Khala’s house?
ANSWER: The children went to Yasmin Khala’s house to find out who could replace the damaged street light.

Q2. List four ways in which the Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city-dweller.
ANSWER: The Municipal Corporation affects the life of a city-dweller in the following ways:
1. Supply of water and maintenance of water works
2. Supply of electricity.
3. Scavenging, removal, and disposal of filth and rubbish.
4. Construction and maintenance of roads and streets.
5. Arrangements of transport facilities, hospitals, and dispensaries.

Q3. Who is the Municipal Councillor?
ANSWER: The elected representative of a ward is known as a Municipal Councillor.

Q4. What did Gangabai do & why?
ANSWER: Gangabai gathered a small group of women and went to the Municipal Commissioner’s House to protest against the garbage being not removed from the locality.

Q5. How does the Municipal Corporation earn the money to do its work?
ANSWER: The Municipal Corporation earns the money to do its work by collecting the following taxes:
1. Property tax
2. Water and other services tax
3. Taxes on education and other amenities.
4. Theatre tax
5. Entertainment tax
6. Tax on vehicles and animals

Q6. Discuss

Urban Administration Class 6 Civics Chapter 7
Urban Administration Class 6 Civics Chapter 7

In the two photographs, you see different ways of collecting and disposing of garbage.

i) Which way do you think provides safety to the person disposing of garbage?
ANSWER: I think the way that is shown in photo 2 provides safety to the person disposing of garbage.

ii) What are the dangers of collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph?
ANSWER: There are many dangers to collecting garbage in the manner shown in the first photograph such as:
1. Poisonous gas injection
2. Skin diseases
3. Breathing problem

iii) Why do you think that proper ways of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities?
ANSWER: Proper ways of disposing of garbage are not available to those who work in municipalities because
1. Workers have a shortage of funds.
2. They do not have knowledge about the latest techniques for disposing of garbage.
3. They are not conscious of their health.
4. They do not want to work in a proper manner.

Q7. Several poor people in the city work as domestic servants as well as work for the Corporation, keeping the city clean. Yet the slums in which they live are quite filthy………?
ANSWER: The corporation should spend more money on slum localities because :
i) The people who live in the slums are also a part of our society.
ii) They need education, sanitation, and other facilities to improve themselves.
iii) They are the citizens of our country and all citizens should treat equally to achieve our constitutional ideals.
So I think that the Municipal Corporation should provide the poor in the city with the same facilities that the rich get.

urban administration class 6 extra questions:

Urban Administration Class 6 MCQs

1. The elected representative of a ward is known as ______
a) M.L.A.
b) M.P.
c) Ward Councillor
d) None of these

2. Under a Municipal Corporation, a city is divided into different_______
a) districts
b) wards
c) states
d) None of these

3. Which of these is a part of Local Self-Government for urban areas?
a) Nagar Panchayat
b) Municipal Corporation
c) Municipalities
d) All of these

4. Which of these cities doesn’t have Municipal Corporation?
a) Kurukshetra
b) Chandigarh
c) Lucknow
d) Delhi

5. Municipal Councils are generally set up in those cities whose population is more than___________________.
a) 1,00,000
b) 5,000
c) 50,000
d) 20,000

6. Which of these cities have Municipal corporations?
a) Delhi
b) Kolkata
c) Chennai
d) All of these

7. _________are established in big cities.
a) Municipal Councils
b) Municipal Corporation
c) Zila Parishad
d) Nagar Panchayat

8. Who listens to the problems at the local level?
a) District Commissioner
b) Ward Councillor
c) M.P.
d) M.L.A.

9. Which of these is the source of income for Municipal Corporations?
a) Water Tax
b) House Tax
c) Entertainment Tax
d) All of these

10. Which of these is the function of a Municipal Corporation?
a) Supply of water
b) Removal of Waste
c) Supply of Electricity
d) All of these

Answers: 1) c 2) b 3) d 4) a 5) d 6) d 7) b 8) b 9) d 10) d

Fill in the Blanks

1. In a Panchayat the elected members are called_______
2. The city is divided into several _________.
3. In a Municipal Corporation the elected members are called________.
4. Group of Councillors deal with issues that affect the _________.
5. Elections are held once every ________year for the Panchayat as well as for the Municipalities.
6. While the Councillors make decisions the administrative staff led by the Commissioner _____these.

Answers: 1) Panches 2) wards 3)Councillors 4) entire city 5) Five 6) implemented

Write (T) for true & (F) for false:

1. A city is much bigger than a village.
2. Ward Councillors are elected by the people of the ward.
3. Meeting the basic needs of people in cities and towns is a simple process.
4. Municipal Corporation takes care of street lights, garbage collection, etc.
5. The Municipal Commissioner is the head of the Municipal Corporation.

Answers: 1) False 2) True 3) False 4) True 5) False

Read also: Ncert Class 6 History Chapter 1 Notes | Easy Concept

FAQ of class 6 civics chapter 7 questions and answers

What is urban administration class 6?

Urban administration means the management and governance of cities and towns, such as the provision of essential services and infrastructure for urban areas.

What is urban livelihood class 6?

Urban livelihood means the various ways to earn a living, such as jobs in industries, services, and businesses.

What is the main function of urban administration?

The main function of urban administration is to manage and govern cities, ensuring the provision of basic services and infrastructure for urban areas.

What is the difference between urban and rural life class 6?

Urban areas are characterized by cities and towns with higher population densities, developed infrastructure, and a wide range of services, while rural areas are characterized by lower population densities, agricultural activities, and relatively simpler lifestyles.

What are the types of urban occupations Class 6?

The types of urban occupations -jobs in industries, services, businesses, government offices, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, etc.


The above ncert Urban Administration class 6 civics chapter 7 questions and answers are framed by experts with vast experience teaching the subject. All the topics are explained in easy-to-understand language to help students learn them more quickly. Students can also improve their confidence in getting good score marks.

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