Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Solution

India is a South Asian country located in the Indian subcontinent. It is the seventh-largest country in the world by area and the most populous country in the world. In this article, Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answers are explained in easy concepts by an experienced Social Science teacher.

Key Words

Tributary: A stream that contributes its water to the main river.
Alluvial deposits: The fine soil which is brought by rivers and deposited in the river basins.
Coral: The skeletons of tiny marine animals.
Delta: The wetlands that form as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water, such as an ocean, lake, or river.
Peninsula: A piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.

Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer

Answer the following questions briefly:

(a) Name the major physical divisions of India.

Answer: There are six major physical divisions of India.

  1. The Northern Mountains
  2. The Northern Plains
  3. The Great Indian Desert
  4. The Peninsular Plateau
  5. The Coastal Plains
  6. The Islands

(b) India shares its land boundaries with seven countries. Name them.

Answer: India shares its land boundaries with the following seven countries:

  1. Pakistan – Northwest
  2. Nepal – Northeast
  3. Tibet- Northeast
  4. Bhutan- Northeast
  5. Bangladesh- East
  6. Myanmar-East
  7. China – Northeast
Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer
Neighboring Countries of India

(c) Which two major rivers fall into the Arabian Sea?

Answer: The Narmada & the Tapi rivers fall into the Arabian Sea.

(d) Name the delta formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.

Answer: The Sunderbans Delta is formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.

(e) How many states & Union Territories are there in India? Which states have a common capital?

Answer: There are 28 states & 8 Union Territories in India. The states which have a common capital are the following:

Punjab & Haryana – Chandigarh

(f) Why do a large number of people live in the Northern plains?

Answer: A large number of people live in the Northern plains because-

  1. It is formed by alluvium deposits from the rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Indus.
  2. It is the largest plain in the world with rich fertile soil.
  3. It is known as the Indi-Gangetic Plain.

(g) Why is Lakshadweep known as a coral island?

Answer: Lakshadweep is known as a coral island because it is formed with the skeletons of marine animals.

Tick the correct answers.

(a) The southernmost Himalayas are known as

(i) Shiwaliks

(ii) Himadri

(iii) Himachal

Answer: (i) Shiwaliks

(b) Sahyadri is also known as

(i) Aravali

(ii) Western Ghats

(iii) Himadri

Answer: (ii) Western Ghats

(c) The Palk Strait lies between the countries

(i) Sri Lanka & Maldives

(ii) India & Sri Lanka

(iii) India & Maldives

Answer: (ii) India & Sri Lanka

(d) The Indian islands in the Arabian Sea are known as

(i) Andaman & Nicobar Islands

(ii) Lakshadweep Islands

(iii) Maldives Islands

Answer: (ii) Lakshadweep Islands

(e) The oldest mountain range in India is the

(i) Aravalis hills

(ii) Western Ghats

(iii) Himalayas

Answer: (i) Aravalis hills

Fill in the blanks:

(a) India has an area of about ________________________________.

(b) The Greater Himalayas are also known as ___________________.

(c) The river Narmada falls into the ____________ sea.

(d) The latitude that runs almost halfway through India is ______________.

Answer: (a) 3.28 million square km. (b) Himadri (c) Arabian (d) Tropic of Cancer

Map Skills

On an outline map of India, mark the following.

  • (1) Tropic of Cancer
  • (2) Standard Meridian of India
  • (3) State in which you live
  • (4) Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands
  • (5) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer
Answer: Map Skills

class 6 extra questions and answers

1. Describe the boundaries of India.
Answer: India is bordered by the Himalayas in the north, the Arabian Sea in the southwest, the Indian Ocean in the south, and Bangladesh in the east.

2. How does unity in diversity exist in India?
Answer: Unity in diversity in India exists through the various cultures, languages, religions, and traditions within the country’s diverse population.

3. Define delta. Which delta is the world’s largest delta? Where is it situated?
Answer: A delta is a landform formed at the mouth of a river where it meets an ocean, sea, lake, or another body of water.
The world’s largest delta is the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, situated in Bangladesh and India, where the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers converge and empty into the Bay of Bengal.

4. What is the locational extent of India?
Answer: The locational extent of India is approximately between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N, and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E. It is situated in South Asia, sharing borders with several countries, including Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar.

5. Give an account of the Northern Indian Plains.
Answer: The Northern Indian Plains are a vast, fertile region located in the northern part of India. They are flat and formed by the alluvial deposits of major rivers such as the Ganges, Yamuna, and Brahmaputra. These plains are highly productive for agriculture and are one of the most densely populated areas in the country.

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I hope the above-given information regarding Class 6 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer has been helpful to you to some extent. If you have any other questions regarding Our Country India Class 6 Geography Chapter 7, NCERT Solution feel free to contact us so that we will get back to you at the earliest.


1. What do you know about India Class 6?

India is a South Asian country with a rich cultural heritage and diverse religions and languages. It is the seventh-largest country in the world by area and the most populous country.

2. What are the location and physical features of Our Country India Class 6?

India is located in the Indian subcontinent in South Asia from 8o 4′ N latitude to 37o 6′ N latitude and from 68o 7′ E longitude to 97o 25′ E longitude. It has a diverse range of physical features, such as the Himalayan mountain range in the north, the Thar desert in the west, and the fertile Gangetic plain in the north-central region. It also has several rivers, including the Ganges and Brahmaputra.

3. What is the importance of India’s location for Class 6?

India’s location is important as it provides it with strategic access to major sea routes and neighboring countries. It also has a diverse range of physical features, making it a hub for agriculture and various industries.

4. What is the importance of the northern plains of India Class 6?

The northern plains of India are essential for agriculture and form one of the most fertile regions in the country. The region is irrigated by several rivers, such as the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, which provide water for crops and make it an essential agricultural region.

5. How do the physical division of India complement each other?

The physical divisions of India complement each other as they provide a diverse range of resources and landscapes that are suitable for different types of industries and economic activities. For example, the northern plains are ideal for agriculture, while the western coast has several ports for trade and commerce. The Himalayas provide hydropower and tourism opportunities, while the Deccan plateau is rich in minerals and metals.

7. What is the meaning of our country India?

India derives its name from the River Indus which flows through the northern part of the country.

8. What is India known for?

India is known for its rich cultural heritage, diverse traditions, vibrant festivals, Bollywood film industry, yoga, and delicious food, and is the world’s largest democracy.

9. What is the full name of India?

The Republic of India.

10. What is the old name India?

Bharat or Bharata, Jambudweep, etc.

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