Ncert Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ | Easy Concept

Enhance your knowledge with our engaging resources for Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ & Online quiz. Test your knowledge about the chapter and score good marks in your exams. Our carefully crafted MCQs cover a variety of topics, helping you understand the essential information easily.

Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Online Test

Test your knowledge through the Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQs online test. The quiz covers all major topics of the chapter. Sharpen your understanding of resources and test your grip on the subject. Receive feedback and track your progress.


Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Resources MCQ

1 / 15

Balancing the need to use resources and also conserve them for the future is called_______

2 / 15

Resources are distributed unequally on the Earth because of 

3 / 15

Which type of resource is technology?

4 / 15

The resource whose quantities are not known are called

5 / 15

What is the basis of the classification of resources?

6 / 15

Which type of resource is coal?

7 / 15

Which type of value is associated with resources?

8 / 15

Which of the following is an example of a biotic resource?

9 / 15

Which of these has some utility?

10 / 15

What makes an object resources?

11 / 15

What are the types of resources on the basis of origin?

12 / 15

Which type of resources have the capacity or ability to reproduce or renew quickly?

13 / 15

Which type of resources is solar & wind energy?

14 / 15

Which of these has economic value?

15 / 15

The resources which are drawn from nature are called________.

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Ncert Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ

Q. Which type of resource is coal?
Non-renewable resources

Q. How Many Types Of Resources Are There? 
Resources are classified into three types:

  • Natural Resources
  • Human Made Resources
  • Human Resources

Q. The resources which are drawn from nature are called________.
Natural Resources

Q. Which type of resources is solar & wind energy?
Renewable Resource

Q. Gifts of nature become resources when
They have utility

Q. Which type of resources have the capacity or ability to reproduce or renew quickly?
Renewable Resources

Q. How are Natural resources classified based on their distribution?
Ubiquitous and Localised resources

Q. The resources which are created by human beings are called____________
Man Made Resources

Q. What do you mean by value?

Q. What makes an object resources?
An object becomes a resource when it has utility & usability.

Q. What is the basis of the classification of resources?
Resources are classified based on:
Level of development & use
Stock & Distribution

Q. Which type of value is associated with resources?
Economic Value
Aesthetic Value
Legal Value
Ethical Value

Q. What do you mean by potential resource?
The resource whose quantities are not known as a potential resource.

Q. What are the types of resources based on origin?
Biotic & Abiotic

Q. What is Resource Conservation?
Resource conservation means the sustainable management of natural resources to ensure their preservation and availability for future generations.

Q. Why are resources distributed unequally on the Earth?
Resources are distributed unequally on the Earth because of the different natural conditions.

Q. Which type of resource is technology?
Human Made Resources

Q. What is the disadvantage of solar power?
It is dependent on weather conditions

Q. Which type of renewable resource is generated from living or recently dead organisms?
Biomass energy

Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ

Q. What do you mean by developed resources?
Resources that are surveyed and their quality and quantity have been determined for utilization are known as developed resources.

Q. What type of resources are rocks?
Abiotic Resource

Q. What is resource development?
The process of using natural, human, and financial resources to create goods and services to improve the standard of living and economic growth is called resource development.

Q. Define the term ‘Sustainable development’.
Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Q. Give some examples of alternative sources of energy.
Solar, wind & Tide

Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 MCQ


Can you call the wind a resource?

Yes, wind is a renewable resource.

What wind is called?

When air is in motion, called wind.

How wind is formed?

The wind is formed when air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.

What is hot wind called?

Hot wind is called by different names in various areas such as Loo, Foehn, and Chinook.

What are the 4 local winds?

The four local winds are:
Sea Breeze
Land Breeze
Mountain Breeze
Valley Breeze

What type of wind is monsoon?

A monsoon is a seasonal change in the prevailing wind direction of a region.

How is a wind named?

A wind is named based on its direction or the region from where it originates.

What is low wind speed?

A low or slow movement of air or wind is called wind speed.

Read Also: Resources Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Notes | Easy Concept


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