The chapter begins with the concept of diversity, highlighting how India is a land of rich cultural, religious, linguistic, and ethnic diversity. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Political Science Chapter 2, “Diversity and Discrimination,” provide students with the answers to all exercises covered in this chapter in an easy way. By studying the NCERT solutions, students can develop a strong foundation in understanding diversity, discrimination, and the importance of equality.
Concept Map

Key Words
1. Prejudice: To judge other people as inferior.
2. Stereotype: The process of fixing people into an image.
3. Untouchable: People of low caste in old times.
4. Menial: not skilled or important
5. Sovereign: Free to govern himself
Ncert Solution
1. Match the following statements in a way that challenges the stereotypes
a. Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone | 1. suffers from chronic asthma |
b. The boy who won the drawing competition went to the dias | 2. to become an astronaut, which she did |
c. One of the fastest athletes in the world | 3. to speak with her daughter, who had just returned from school |
d. She was not that well-off but had a dream | 4. on a wheelchair to collect his prize |
a. Two surgeons were sitting down to lunch when one of them made a call on the mobile phone | to speak with her daughter, who had just returned from school |
b. The boy who won the drawing competition went to the dias | on a wheelchair to collect his prize |
c. One of the fastest athletes in the world | suffers from chronic asthma |
d. She was not that well-off but had a dream | to become an astronaut, which she did |
2. How can the stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affect the life of a daughter? Imagine this situation and list at least five different effects that this stereotype can have on the way daughters get treated in the house.
Answer: The stereotype that girls are a burden on their parents affects the life of a daughter in the following ways:
- They are not provided with good and nourishing foods.
- They are not sent to schools & colleges.
- They are married at a young age.
- They are engaged in household work.
- They have no freedom to go out & make new friends.

3. What does the Constitution say with regard to equality? Why do you think it is important for all people to be equal?
Answer: The Constitution says the following with regard to equality:
- All are equal before the law.
- There can be no discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
- It guarantees equal opportunity in public employment.
- It abolishes untouchability & its practice in any form is forbidden.
It is important for all people to be equal because it promotes sustainable development and upholds the values of a democratic society. There will be no discrimination on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth.
4. Sometimes, people make prejudiced comments in our presence. We are often not in a position to do anything about this because it is difficult to say something right then and there. Divide the class into groups, and each group discusses what they could do in one of the following situations.
a) A friend teases a classmate because he is poor.
b) You are watching TV with your family, and one of them makes a prejudicial comment about a particular religious community.
c) Children in your class refuse to share their food with a particular person because they think she is dirty.
d) Someone tells you a joke that makes fun of a community because of their accent.
e) Some boys make remarks about girls not being able to play games as well as them.
Discuss in class what the different groups have suggested for the above situations, and also discuss the problems that can arise when raising the issue.
Answer: a) The students should be advised not to do this in the future.
b) He should be stopped there and then.
c) children should be advised to see her qualities of head and heart. so they should share their food
with her.
d) He should be advised not to make fun of other communities.
e) Boys should be advised not to make remarks against girls. all are equal. girls are leading the boys
in many fields.
Extra Questions | Class 6 political science chapter 2
Very Short Questions Answers
1. Write two reasons for discrimination?
Answer: i) Religion
ii) Economic Inequality
2. From which caste does Dr. B.R. Ambedkar belong?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar belongs to the Mahar caste.
3. Who is considered the father of the Indian Constitution?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is considered the father of the Indian Constitution.
4. Do you think India is a secular state?
Answer: Yes, India is a secular state.
5. Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly?
Answer: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the chairman of the Constituent Assembly.
6. People have stereotypes in their brains. what are their reasons?
Answer: Differences in religious beliefs
Differences of richness & poverty.
7. What is a stereotype?
Answer: The process of fixing people into an image.
8. What is diversity?
Answer: The presence of different cultural, social, and demographic characteristics within a group, community, or society.
9. What is discrimination?
Answer: The unjust treatment of individuals or groups based on factors such as race, religion, gender, caste, or socio-economic status.
10. When does discrimination take place?
Answer: Discrimination takes place when people act on prejudice or stereotypes.
Short Questions Answers
1.What are the features of India’s diversities?
Answer: The features of India’s diversities are the following:
i) Different forms of customs, traditions, languages, and art.
ii) Over 1,600 languages are spoken, with Hindi and English as the official languages.
iii) Major religions like Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
2. How do we create stereotypes?
Answer: Stereotypes are formed through generalizations and assumptions based on limited information about a particular group of people.
3. Why are Muslim girls going to school in Kerala?
Answer: Muslim girls are going to school in Kerala because they are getting the following facilities:
i) The schools are nearer to their residence.
ii) Good transport is available.
iii) Above 60% of teachers are women.
iv) Teachers are getting facilities to reach rural schools.
4. Write the main problems of the poor.
Answer: 1. The poor people are not able to fulfill their basic needs such as food, clothes & shelter.
2. They are treated badly everywhere.
3. They are discriminated against everywhere i.e. hospitals, schools, etc.
5. What do you understand by the term ‘Untouchables’?What was the plight of the untouchables?
Answer: A social group in India that is discriminated against based on their caste. They were considered impure and were placed at the bottom of the caste hierarchy.
The plight of the untouchables is-
i) They are not allowed entry to temples,
ii) They are denied the right to own land and faced social ostracism and violence.
iii) They were not allowed to enter the inner part of the house of the upper caste.
iv) They were not allowed to take water from the well of the upper caste.
v) Their children were not allowed to sit with children of the upper caste.
The Ncert Solution Class 6 political science chapter 2 “Diversity and Discrimination” provides students with a comprehensive understanding of diversity & its importance. By studying and practicing this Ncert solution, students can enhance their knowledge, improve their problem-solving skills, and perform better in their exams. You can access them by visiting the website. If you have any other queries about Class 6 political science chapter 2 “Diversity and Discrimination” feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.
1. What is the name of Chapter 2 of class 6 Civics?
Diversity and Discrimination
2. What are Diversity and Discrimination in short notes?
Diversity: the quality or state of being different.
Discrimination: the unjust treatment of individuals based on race, gender, religion, or ethnicity.
3. What is equality class 6 short answer?
The principle of treating all individuals fairly and equally without any discrimination. It emphasizes that everyone should have equal rights, opportunities, and access to resources.