Smart Summer Vacation Homework 2024

Summer break is a welcome break……………… Summer vacation is all about fun, frolicking, playing for longer hours with friends, going for picnics and exploring new places.

But there is a lot more you can do to make your vacation more interesting and meaningful, along with doing all your heart desires. We have planned some interesting summer vacation homework for you. So get ready to enjoy your Summer Holidays. Every teacher bends over backwards to assign you as many school projects as possible. It’s like a competition; Whoever succeeds in giving you more work wins! But don’t worry about it; The truth is that you can easily complete all your summer vacation homework in no time.

Summer Vacation Homework For Class 10

Social Science

  1. Prepare 20 objective questions each from these four chapters:
        The Nationalism in India
        Resources and Development
        Power Sharing:
  2. Make a timeline of the important events of Nationalism in India and make a project on the importance of all the events.
  3. Find out the types of soils in India along with the areas where it is found.
  4. Every student has to do any one project on the following:

Consumer And Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development

5. Revise and Learn the questions and answers from the chapters completed till now.

Social Science Project Work

The project should be based on individual research.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Model
Sources of Water
Rainwater Harvesting

B. Answers the following questions:

  1. What is the difference between a real image and a virtual image?

 2. The Radius of curvature of the concave mirror is – 24 find the focal length.

 3. How will you identify Plane Mirror, Concave Mirror and Convex Mirror without touching their surface?

 4. What happens to a ray of light when it enters from a rarer medium to a denser medium?

5. The swimming pool appears to be less deep than it is. Which of the following phenomena is responsible for this?

 6. What is the mirror formula?

 7. A lens forms a diminished, erect and virtual image. Identify the nature of the lens.

 8. Prepare a model on the reflection of light by taking the help of the given link.


i) Revise the Syllabus of Periodic test-1

ii) Complete the given Worksheet

iii) Solve the Worksheet in a separate notebook.                              

Multiple Choice Questions:

1) Mendel conducted his famous breeding experiments by working on the following:

(a) Drosophila

(b) Escherichia Coli

(c) Pisum Sativum

(d) All of these

 Q2) Which section of DNA provides information for one protein?

(a) Nucleus

(b) Chromosome


(d) Gene

Q3) Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?

(a) One person has a scar, but his friend doesn’t

(b) One person is older than the other

(c) Reeta eats meat, but her sister Geeta is a vegetarian

(d) Two children have different eye colour

Q4) In peas, a pure tall (TT) is crossed with a pure short plant(tt). The ratio of pure tall plants to pure short plants in the F2 generation is:

(a) 1:3

(b) 3:1

(c) 1:1

(d) 2:1

Q5) Humans have two different sex chromosomes, X and Y. Based on Mendel’s laws, which combination of chromosomes will a male offspring inherit?

(a) Both the X chromosomes from one of its parents

(b) Both the Y chromosomes from one of its parents

(c) A combination of X chromosomes from either of its parents

(d) A combination of X and Y chromosomes from either of its parents

Q6) Two pea plants, one with round green seeds (RR yy) and another with wrinkled yellow (rrYY) seeds, produce F1 progeny that have round yellow (RrYy) seeds. When F1 plants are self-pollinated, the F2 progeny will have a new combination of characters. Choose the new combinations from the following:

(i) Round, yellow

(ii) Round, green

(iii) Wrinkled, yellow

(iv) Wrinkled, green

(a) (i) and (ii)

(b) (i) and (iv)

(c) (ii) and (iii)

(d) (i) and (iii)

Q7) Miller and Urey experimented to prove the origin of life from organic compounds. The gases they took were:

(a) methane, ethane, ammonia, water vapour

(b) methane, ethane, hydrogen, ammonia

(c) ammonia, water vapour, butane, hydrogen

(d) methane, ammonia, hydrogen, water vapour

Q8) Which of the following is a pair of analogous organs?

(a) Wings of a pigeon and a bat

(b) Forelimbs of a frog and a bird

(c) Forelimbs of a rabbit and a lizard

(d) Leaves of a pitcher plant and a Venus fly trap

Q9) Two pink-coloured flowers on crossing resulted in 1 red, 2 pink and 1 white-flower progeny. The nature of the cross will be:

(a) double fertilization

(b) self-pollination

(c) cross-fertilization

(d) no fertilization

Q10) A zygote which has an X chromosome inherited from the father will develop into a:

(a) boy

(b) girl

(c) X chromosome does not determine the sex of a child

(d) either boy or girl



Assertion: Biological evolution, defined by Charles Darwin in his Origin of Species (1859) as “descent with modification,”

Reason: During reproduction, parental genomes are replicated to produce new copies for the offspring, but replication is not perfect, and heritable mutations continuously introduce genetic novelties.

A, Both assertion and reason are true

B. Only assertion is true

C. Only reason is true

D. Both assertion and reason are false


Assertion [A]: Evolution is a continuous process that takes millions of years for speciation.
Reason [R]: The only mutation leads to speciation during evolution.

A. Both assertion and reason are incorrect

B. The assertion is correct but the reason is wrong

C. Both assertion and reason are correct

D. The assertion is correct and reason explains the assertion

Short Questions:

 1. Why is variation beneficial for the species, but not necessarily for the individual?

 2. Define variation in a species.

 3. Why is variation beneficial to the species?

 4. Why did Mendel select pea plants for conducting on his inheritance?

5. What are chromosomes? Where are they located in the cell?

6. What is a sex chromosome?

Long Questions:

1. Explain how sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction. How does this affect the evolution of those organisms that reproduce sexually?

2. Explain the Monohybrid cross in detail with the help of diagrams.

3. Explain the Dihybrid cross in detail with the help of diagrams.

4. We cannot pass on our progeny the experiences and qualifications earned during our lifetime – Justify the statement by giving reasons and examples.

5. It is a matter of chance whether a couple will have a male or female child – Justify this statement by drawing a flow chart.

Pdf: Summer Vacation Homework For Class 10

Pdf: Summer Vacation Homework For Class 9


What is the purpose of the Summer Vacation assignment?

The purpose of summer assignments is to keep students engaged in learning during summer vacation and to prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Will the Summer Vacation assignment be graded?

Yes, the summer assignment will be graded.

How long should I spend on the assignment each week?

You should spend about 2-3 hours per week on the assignment.

Will there be a review of the Summer Vacation assignment once school starts?

Yes, teachers will review the summer assignment during the first week of school.


Summer Vacation Homework offers a blend of learning, growth, and discovery. Through various activities and projects, it is a means to study subjects in-depth and enhance our skills. This will help you prepare for upcoming academic challenges, and instill curiosity and motivation. This Summer Vacation Homework will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation, motivating you to strive for excellence in all your future endeavours.

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