Ncert Solutions of chapter Interior of the Earth Class 7 is given here to assist the students to learn the questions and answers easily. The earth is continuously experiencing changes outside and inside its surface. Ncert Solution of Interior of the Earth class 7 can assist students in preparing for the exams.
1. Geology– A science that deals with the study of the structure of the earth.
2. Ores- The rocks from which metallic minerals are extracted in large quantities.
3. Rocks- The natural masses of minerals matter in the crust of rocks.
4. Fossils-The remains of animals and plant life found within the earth’s crust.
5. Petalogy-The scientific study of rocks.
Interior of the Earth Class 7 Question Answer
1. Answer the following questions.
(i) What are the three layers of the earth?
Answer:- The interior of the Earth is divided into three layers – Crust, Mantle, and Core.

(ii) What is a rock?
Answer:- A rock is a natural mass of mineral matter in the crust of the Earth. It is of different colours, sizes, and textures.
(iii) Name three types of rocks.
Answer:- The rocks are of three types-
a) igneous rocks
b) sedimentary rocks
c) metamorphic rocks
(iv) How are extrusive and intrusive rocks formed?
Answer:- Extrusive Rocks:- Extrusive rocks are formed by the cooling down of the lava on the surface of the earth. such as basalt and pumice.
Intrusive Rocks:-The intrusive rocks are formed by the cooling down of magma below the surface of the earth. such as granite and dolerite.
(v) What do you mean by a rock cycle?
Answer:- The rock cycle is a continuous process that occurs over millions of years. In the rock cycle, rocks are made, rocks are broken down, and rocks are re-formed.
(vi) What are the uses of rocks?
Answer:- The rocks are used in the following ways:
a) Rocks are used to make roads and houses.
b) Rocks are used as building materials for example granite, sandstone, and marble.
c) Chemicals found in rocks are also used as fertilizers.
d) Many rocks contain fossils which give us important insights into life in the past.
e) Rocks also have made agriculture possible as the soil is formed by the decomposition of the rocks.
(vii) What are metamorphic rocks?
Answer:- Metamorphic rocks are formed by the action of great heat and pressure on sedimentary rocks or igneous rocks by changing their chemical and physical form completely.
2. Tick the correct answer.
i) The rock which is made up of molten magma is
(a) Igneous
(b) Sedimentary
(c) Metamorphic
ii) The innermost layer of the earth is
(a) Crust
(b) Core
(c) Mantle
(iii) Gold, petroleum, and coal are examples of
(a) Rocks
(b) Minerals
(c) Fossils
(iv) Rocks that contain fossils are
(a) Sedimentary rocks
(b) Metamorphic rocks
(c) Igneous rocks
(v) The thinnest layer of the earth is
(a) Crust
(b) Mantle
(c) Core.
(i) Igneous, (ii) Core, (iii) Minerals, (iv) Sedimentary rocks, (v) Crust.
3. Match the following.
(i) Core | (a) Earth’s surface |
(ii) Minerals | (b) Used for roads and buildings |
(iii) Rocks | (c) Made of silicon and alumina |
(iv) Clay | (d) Has the definite chemical composition |
(v) Sial | (e) Innermost layer |
(f) Changes to slate | |
(g) Process of transformation of the rock Rocks |
(i) Core | (e) Innermost layer |
(ii) Minerals | (d) Has the definite chemical composition |
(iii) Rocks | (b) Used for roads and buildings |
(iv) Clay | (f) Changes to slate |
(v) Sial | (c) Made of silicon and alumina |
4. Give reasons.
(i)Â We cannot go to the centre of the earth.
Answer: We cannot go to the centre of the earth because the temperature and pressure at the centre of the earth are too high to bear.
(ii) Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments.
Answer: Sedimentary rocks are formed from rock pieces that are transported and deposited by winds, water, etc. If sediment is buried deeply, it becomes compacted and cemented, forming sedimentary rock.
(iii) Limestone is changed into marble.
Answer: Limestone is a type of sedimentary rock that changes into marble due to heat and pressure which is a metamorphic rock.
5. For Fun.
(i) What are the minerals most commonly used in the following objects?

Objects | Minerals |
Karhai | Iron, copper, Stainless steel |
Ornaments | Gold & Silver |
Pan/Tawa | Iron |
Bell | Brass, Silver, Gold |
Hammer | Iron |
Lamp | Brass, Silver, Gold |
(ii) Identify some more objects made up of different minerals.
Answer: 1. Utensils ————- Stainless Steel, Silver, Aluminium, Brass, Copper
2. Furniture———— Iron, Steel
3. Windows & Doors— Steel ,Aluminium
4. Buildings————- marble
Interior of The Earth Class 7 Worksheet
1. MCQs. Tick the correct option.
a) The crust comprises two distinct layers of sial and—–
i) sima
ii) mantle
iii) core
b) The oceanic crust is also called
i) core
ii) mantle
iii) sima
c) The main constituents of the core are iron and
i) nickel
ii) magnesium
iii) aluminium
d) The word igneous is derived from the Latin word ignis meaning:
i) fire
ii) settle down
iii) change of form
e) The primary rocks that are formed first are:
i) sedimentary
ii) igneous
iii) metamorphic
f) The rock cycle is powered by the energy of the:
i) Moon
ii) Asteroids
iii) Sun
g) Bauxite is an ore of:
i) aluminium
ii) iron
iii) manganese
h) Rock salt is an example of a:
i) igneous rock
ii) metamorphic
iii) sedimentary
i) The science that deals with the structure of the Earth is called
i) biology
ii) ecology
iii) geology
j) Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
i) natural gas
ii) wood
iii) petroleum
2. Fill in the blanks.
a) The study of rock is called_______.
b) The average density of the Earth is about___________.
c) The word ‘igneous’ is derived from the Latin word __________& __________.
d) limestone is an example of an __________________.
e) The molten magma, which comes out on the Earth’s surface and cools down quickly, is called______________.
3. Write (T) for true & (F) for false.
a) Igneous rocks are made of molten magma.
b) The core is the thinnest layer of the Earth.
c) Gold, petroleum, and coal are examples of minerals.
d) Crust is the innermost layer of the Earth.
e) Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks.
4. Identify the minerals/metals used in the following objects and write their names.





1. What is the Earth’s interior?
The structure and composition of the layers that make up the earth under its surface.
2. What is the temperature and pressure in the Earth’s interior?
In the Earth”s interior, temperatures can reach up to 5,500 degrees Celsius and pressures can be extremely high.
3. How does the Earth’s interior affect the surface?
The Earth’s interior causes processes like plate tectonics, which cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the formation of mountains.
I hope the information given above regarding the NCERT Solution & Practice Worksheet based on NCERT Interior of the Earth Class 7 has been helpful to an extent. If you have any other queries about NCERT Interior of the Earth Class 7 feel free to reach us so that we can get back to you at the earliest possible.
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