In this post, we have provided the Ncert solutions for Resources Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 with a comprehensive understanding. It is an essential resource for students preparing for their exams and looking to gain a better understanding of the types of resources & conservation of resources. The solutions are written in a simple and easy way to learn. This post provides additional extra questions and answers that help students practice and strengthen their understanding of the chapter.
Concept Map of Resources Class 8 Geography Chapter 1

Key Words
1. Patent: The exclusive right over any idea or invention.
2. Technology: The application of the latest knowledge & skill in doing or making things.
3. Stock of resources: The amount of resources available for use.
4. Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
5. Resources: Anything that can be used to fulfil human needs and wants, such as air, water, minerals, etc.
Resources Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Question Answer
1. Answer The Following Questions.
(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
Answer: Resources are distributed unequally over the earth due to various natural conditions, such as the earth’s geological processes, climate, and topography.
(ii) What is resource development?
Answer: Resource development means the process of improving the quality and quantity of resources to meet human needs and wants. It involves utilizing resources sustainably, efficiently, and equitably, ensuring their availability for future generations.
(iii) Why are human resources important?
Answer: Human resources are important because They have the knowledge, skill, and technology through which they can develop & utilize other resources, such as natural resources, and can increase productivity and economic growth.

(iv) What is sustainable development?
Answer: sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
2. Tick The Correct Answer.
(i) Which one of the following does not make a substance a resource?
(a) Utility
(b) Value
(c) Quantity
Answer: (c) Quantity
(ii) Which one of the following is a human-made resource?
(a) Medicines to treat cancer
(b) Springwater
(c) Tropical forests
Answer: (a) Medicines to treat cancer
(iii) Complete the statement. Biotic resources are
(a) Derived from living beings.
(b) Made by human beings.
(c) Derived from non-living things.
Answer: (a) Derived from living beings.
3. Differentiate Between The Following.
(a) Potential and actual resources
Potential Resources | Actual Resources |
Resources that are not being used currently. | Resources that are being used currently. |
These require further development. | These are already developed. |
These are potential for economic growth. | These contributes to economic growth. |
Example-Minerals, water, forests | Example-Coal, oil, natural gas, crops. |
(b) Ubiquitous and localized resources
Ubiquitous Resources | Localized Resources |
Resources that are found everywhere. | Resources that are limited to specific areas. |
These have low economic value. | These have high economic value. |
These are easily transportable | These are difficult to transport. |
Example-Air, water, sunlight, sand, rocks | Example-Diamonds, gold, platinum, petroleum |
4. Activity
“Rahiman paani raakhiye,
Bin paani sab soon.
Paani gaye na ubere Mod, manus, choon…”
[Says Rahim, keep water, as without water there is nothing. Without water pearl, swan, and dough cannot exist.] These lines were written by the poet Abdur Rahim Khankhanam, one of the nine gems of Akbar’s court. What kind of resource is the poet referring to? Write in 100 words what would happen if this resource disappeared.
Answer: The poet Abdur Rahim Khankhanam is referring to the resource of water in his poem. Water is a natural resource that helps all forms of life on Earth. It is essential for all living organisms. Without water, plants would not grow, animals would not have anything to drink, and humans would not have access to clean water for drinking, cooking, and sanitation.
If water were to disappear, one would be unable to clean clothes, and utensils, or even take a bath. Agriculture, which is a major source of food and livelihood for millions of people, would be impacted. There would be problems of food shortages and famine. With the disappearance of water, life on Earth would be impossible. Therefore, it is important to conserve and manage water resources sustainably to ensure their availability for future generations.
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Resources Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 Extra Questions and Answers
Very short Questions and Answers
1. Define resources.
Answer: Anything that can be used to fulfil human needs and wants, such as air, water, minerals, etc. There are two types of resources-natural & human.
2. Classify the different types of natural resources.
Answer: Natural resources can be classified into the following three categories:
i) Renewable Resources
ii) Non-renewable Resources
iii) Inexhaustible Resources

3. What are potential resources?
Answer: The resources that are available in a region but have not yet been utilized due to the lack of technology, infrastructure, or knowledge.Example-Minerals, water, forests.
4. What are ubiquitous resources?
Answer: The resources that are found everywhere, such as air and water, and are not limited to a specific region or location.
5. Give three examples of alternative sources of energy.
Answer: Three examples of alternative sources of energy are solar energy, wind energy, and hydropower.

6. What is resource conservation?
Answer: Resource conservation means the sustainable use and management of natural resources to ensure their availability for present and future generations.
7. Why is the conservation of resources important for future generations?
Answer: The conservation of resources is important for future generations because it helps to maintain the ecological balance and ensure the sustainability of natural resources.
8. What are actual resources?
Answer: The resources that are currently being utilized by humans for their economic and social benefits. These resources are available in a region and can be exploited using existing technology and infrastructure. Examples- Coal, oil, natural gas, etc.

9. What do you mean by the term “Human Made Resources”?
Answer: The resources that are created by human beings using their knowledge, skills, and technology. Such as buildings, roads, bridges, machinery, and tools.

10. What is geothermal energy?
Answer: Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy that is derived from the Earth’s internal heat. It is a clean and sustainable source of energy and does not produce greenhouse gases or other pollutants.

Short Questions Answers
1. When are gifts of nature considered resources?
Answer: Gifts of nature are considered resources when they are useful to humans and can be utilized for their economic and social benefits. For example, sunlight, air, water, forests, and minerals are gifts of nature that are considered resources because they can be used to produce goods and services, generate income, and enhance the quality of life.
2. Why do we need to conserve resources?
Answer: We need to conserve resources to ensure their sustainability and availability for present and future generations. Because
i) it helps maintain the ecological balance and prevents environmental degradation.
ii) It helps to prevent the depletion of natural resources, which can lead to economic instability, social unrest, and other negative consequences.
iii) It promotes sustainable development and ensures that they are utilized efficiently and effectively to meet the needs of society.
iv) It can reduce waste, promote recycling, and minimize the negative impact of human activities on the environment.
3. Mention some steps that may be followed to conserve resources.
Answer: To conserve resources, we can adopt several steps-
i) Reducing, reusing, and recycling materials,
ii)Adopting sustainable practices like renewable energy,
iii)Promoting awareness and education about resource conservation,
iv)Implementing government policies and regulations to protect natural resources,
v)Utilizing technology and innovation to improve efficiency and minimize waste.
4. State some principles of sustainable development.
Answer: Some principles of sustainable development are the following:
- Conservation of natural resources and biodiversity.
- Reduction of waste and pollution.
- Promotion of social and economic equity.
- Use of science and technology to promote sustainable development.
- Implementation of policies and actions that address the root causes of environmental problems.
5. Why are resources considered a fundamental basis of human life?
Answer: Resources are considered a fundamental basis of human life because they are essential for our survival and economic development. Every aspect of our daily lives, from food and water to energy and materials for building, relies on the availability of natural resources. Resources serve as the foundation for economic activities such as agriculture, manufacturing, and services. As human populations continue to grow and technology advances, the demand for resources will only increase.
Long Questions Answers
1. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources? Give an example of each.
Renewable Resources | Non-Renewable Resources |
These can be replenished naturally. | These cannot be replenished at the same rate as they are consumed. |
These have a lower environmental impact. | These have a higher environmental impact. |
Examples: Solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geothermal energy, biomass | Examples: Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), minerals (iron, copper, gold), nuclear energy |
These are sustainable sources of energy. | These are alternative sources of energy. |
2. How can resources be developed sustainably?
Answer: Resources can be developed sustainably by following some principles of sustainable development. These principles are:
- Preserving and protecting natural resources to ensure their availability for future generations.
- Using renewable resources such as solar, wind, and hydro energy.
- Reduction of waste generation through the use of efficient production processes, recycling, and reusing.
- Reduction of pollution caused by the production and consumption of resources.
- Participation of local communities in the development and management of resources.
3. Describe how resources are classified.
Answer: Resources are classified into three categories- natural, human-made, and human.
a) Natural resources: the substances that are found in the natural environment and used by humans to improve their lives. They are the gifts of nature that provide the necessary raw materials for human activities such as food, shelter, clothing, and energy production. Such as Rivers, lakes, air, soils, minerals, trees, mountains, etc. are natural resources.
Natural resources may also be classified into renewable and non-renewable.
i) A renewable resource: The natural resources that can be renewed are called renewable resources such as Solar energy, Wind energy, Hydropower and geothermal energy.
ii) Non-renewable resources: The natural resources that cannot be replenished over time. These resources can be depleted over time with use. They cannot be renewed. Examples-Fossil fuels, Nuclear fuels, Minerals, etc.
b)Human-made resources: These resources are known as capital resources. This helps to produce goods and services by using their intelligence to manufacture them for their own use. Examples-vehicles, buildings, roads, telephones, etc.
c)Human resources: It means the people who work for an organization or business and contribute their knowledge, skills, and abilities to achieve its goals. They are an essential component of any organization and are responsible for driving its success. Examples are doctors, carpenters, cobblers, etc are human resources.
On the basis of development, a resource can be classified into actual or potential.
The actual resource: The resources that are currently being utilized by humans for their economic and social benefits. These resources are available in a region and can be exploited using existing technology and infrastructure. Examples- Coal, oil, natural gas, etc.
The potential resource: The resources that are available in a region but have not yet been utilized due to the lack of technology, infrastructure, or knowledge.Example-Minerals, water, forests.
On the basis of origin: a resource can be classified into abiotic & biotic.
Abiotic resource: Abiotic resources are non-living, physical components of the environment that are used by humans. Examples-Minerals (e.g., iron, copper, gold), Fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil, natural gas), Water, Soil, Air
Biotic Resources: Biotic resources are the living components of the environment that are used by humans. such as plants, animals, and microorganisms.
On the basis of distribution: A resource can be classified into ubiquitous & localized.
The ubiquitous resource is found everywhere such as the sun, air, water, etc.
A localized resource is found in limited parts of the country only such as forests, soil, etc.
1. What are resources Class 8?
Resources are substances, materials, or things that are useful to humans and are used to meet their needs and wants. Examples- natural resources such as air, water, soil, minerals, and plants, as well as human-made resources such as tools, machines, buildings, and infrastructure.
2. What are the 4 types of resources?
The four types of resources are:
i) Natural Resources- a) renewable & non-renewable
ii) Human Resources
iii) Biotic & abiotic
iv) Potential, Developed, and Stock Resources.
3. What do you mean by resource?
Resource refers to something that has value and is used to meet human needs such as materials, substances, skills, knowledge, tools, machines, and infrastructure.
The Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of the resources. By studying and practising these NCERT solutions, students can enhance their knowledge, improve their problem-solving skills, and perform better in their exams. You can access them by visiting the website. If you have any other queries about Class 8 Geography Chapter 1 feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to you at the earliest possible.