NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 “The Rise of Nationalism in Europe” are designed to help students get better results in CBSE examinations. This article addresses the questions in Chapter 1 of a history textbook. By using these NCERT solutions, students can know their abilities to answer every question correctly. They are easy to understand and reliable so that students can become familiar with the question patterns in CBSE exams.
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1
Book Page No. 28 Exercise
1. Write a note on:
a. Guiseppe Mazzini
b. Count Camillo de Cavour
c. The Greek War of Independence
d. Frankfurt parliament
e. The role of women in nationalist struggles
Answer a:
In the 1830s, Giuseppe Mazzini attempted to draw up a comprehensive plan for the establishment of a unified Italian republic. He established a secret organization called ‘Young Italy’ to propagate his objectives.

Answer b:
- He led the movement for the unification of Italy.
- He did not associate himself with democratic principles.
- Employing shrewd diplomatic alliances organized by Cavour, Sardinia-Piedmont won a victory over Austrian forces in 1859.
Answer c:
- Greece was under the Ottoman Empire from the fifteenth century. The rise of revolutionary nationalism in Europe ignited a movement for independence among the Greeks, which began in 1821.
- Poets and artists celebrated Greece as the birthplace of European civilization and rallied public sentiment to support their fight against the Muslim Empire.
- Greek nationalists gained support from fellow Greeks in exile and sympathy from many Western Europeans who admired ancient Greek culture.
- Finally, in 1832, the Treaty of Constantinople formally acknowledged Greece as an independent nation
Answer d:
- The National Assembly comprised middle-class professionals, businessmen, and prosperous artisans from various German regions.
- Its inaugural session was held on 18 May 1848.
- However, due to waning support, the National Assembly was dissolved on 31 May 1849.
Answer e :
- Liberal middle-class women combined their demands for constitutionalism with the desire for national unity.
- They advocated a nation-state based on parliamentary principles.
- They demanded a constitution, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.
- They established their political associations.
- They started newspapers and actively participated in political meetings and demonstrations.
2. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?
- The concepts of the fatherland and the citizen emphasized the idea of a unified community.
- A new French flag, the tricolour, was chosen as a symbol of the new era.
- New hymns were composed, oaths were taken and martyrs were remembered.
- A centralized administrative system was established.
- Internal customs duties and dues were abolished.
- A uniform system of weights and measures was adopted.
- Regional languages were discouraged.
- French became the common language of the nation.
3. Who were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of how they were portrayed?
Answer: Marianne and Germania were symbolic figures representing the idea of the nation in France and Germany, respectively.
Marianne was a symbolic representation of the French Republic, portrayed as a brave, virtuous, and motherly figure who embodied the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
Germania was the personification of the German nation, a symbol of unity and patriotism. She was portrayed as a strong and noble woman.
The portrayal of Marianne and Germania was important because
- This helped to create a sense of collective identity and national pride among the people of France and Germany.
- These symbolic figures expressed the values, aspirations, and struggles of their respective nations.
- Due to this, the feeling of belongingness and unity was promoted among the citizens.
4. Briefly trace the process of German unification.
- The conservatives skillfully used nationalist sentiments to consolidate state power and gain European political dominance.
- This strategy was evident in the unification processes of Germany and Italy as nation-states.
- Despite the efforts of middle-class Germans to unite the diverse regions of the German Confederation, their plans failed in Prussia.
- However, Persia won several successful wars with Austria, Denmark, and France over seven years.
- On January 1871, King William I of Prussia was declared German Emperor.
- Importance was given to the modernization of currency, banking, legal, and judiciary
5. What changes did Napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?
- The Civil Code of 1804, known as the Napoleonic Code, abolished privileges based on birth and established equality before the law.
- The Code enshrined the property right.
- Napoleon abolished the feudal system in areas such as the Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany.
- The peasants were freed from serfdom and Jagirdari taxes.
- Guild restrictions were lifted in towns.
- The transport and communication system was improved.
- Uniform laws, standardized weights and measures, and a common national currency were introduced.
- Businessmen and small-scale producers recognized the benefits of an integrated system for trade and commerce.
1. Explain what is meant by the 1848 revolution of the liberals. What were the political, social, and economic ideas supported by the liberals?
In 1848 two revolutions took place in Europe. The first, led by the educated middle class, sought constitutionalism and national integration in countries without independent nation-states, such as Germany, Italy, Poland, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They demanded a nation-state with a constitution, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.
The second revolution, the Revolution of the Poor, involved the unemployed, hungry peasants and workers of many European countries.
In February 1848, significant events occurred in France that resulted in the abdication of the king and the establishment of a republic based on universal male suffrage.
The liberal movement’s stance on granting political rights to women was divisive, even though many women actively participated in politics through their associations, newspapers, and participation in political meetings and demonstrations.
2. Choose three examples to show the contribution of culture to the growth of nationalism in Europe.
Answer: Language
Language played an important role in fostering a sense of national identity. Writers and poets in various European regions began to use their native languages to create literature that celebrated their culture, history, and shared experiences.
Art and Symbolism:
Artists used visual representations and national symbols to evoke feelings of patriotism. Nationalist movements adopted iconic symbols such as the national flag, national anthem, and emblem to unite their people.
Music and Folklore:
Nationalist composers took inspiration from traditional folk music and infused it with patriotic themes. They wrote national anthems and patriotic songs that resonated with the sentiments of the people and created a sense of belonging to their respective nations.
3. Through a focus on any two countries, explain how nations developed over the nineteenth century.
- The conservatives skillfully used nationalist sentiments to consolidate state power and gain European political dominance.
- This strategy was evident in the unification processes of Germany and Italy as nation-states.
- Despite the efforts of middle-class Germans to unite the diverse regions of the German Confederation, their plans failed in Prussia.
- However, Persia won several successful wars with Austria, Denmark, and France over seven years.
- On January 1871, King William I of Prussia was declared German Emperor.
- Importance was given to the modernization of currency, banking, legal, and judiciary.

- During the 1830s, Mazzini advocated Italian unification but his efforts through the secret society ‘Young Italy’ were unsuccessful. Ultimately, the responsibility for uniting the Italian states fell on Sardinia-Piedmont, led by King Victor Emmanuel II, who united through military means.
- In 1859 the Austrian army was defeated and a large number of volunteers led by Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the campaign. In 1860, he marched to southern Italy and successfully conquered the Spanish rulers. As a result, in 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed King of Italy, marking the establishment of a unified Italian nation.
4. How was the history of nationalism in Britain, unlike the rest of Europe?
Answer: The history of nationalism in Britain differed from the rest of Europe in several ways:
- Unlike many European countries, the formation of the nation-state in Britain was a gradual process rather than the result of a revolution.
- The primary identity of people in the British Isles was based on ethnic distinctions such as English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish, rather than as an amalgamation of separate kingdoms.
- The Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707 and the incorporation of Ireland into the UK in 1801 were important in the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
- The process of forming the United Kingdom involved forced assimilation, such as the suppression of Scottish Gaelic language and dress.
- Symbols of the new Britain, such as the British flag, national anthem, and the English language, were actively promoted.
5. Why did nationalist tensions emerge in the Balkans?
- The Balkans, a region characterized by geographic and ethnic diversity, includes present-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro.
- Most of the Balkans was under the control of the Ottoman Empire,
- The gradual disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, along with the spread of ideas of romantic nationalism in the Balkans, created a highly volatile and explosive situation in the region.
FAQ | Class 10 History Chapter 1
What is the difference between patriotism and nationalism?
Patriotism is love and loyalty to one’s country, while nationalism is a strong belief in the interests and superiority of one’s nation over others.
Who is the father of nationalism?
Herbert Macaulay was a prominent leader of the NNDP and a prominent figure in the Nigerian nationalist movement. Under his leadership, the NNDP achieved significant success by winning elections in 1923, 1928, and 1933.
How are nations formed?
Nations are formed by a combination of shared history, culture, language, and a sense of collective identity among people living in a common area.
What is the origin of the word nationalism?
The word “nationalism” originated in the late 18th century, derived from the term “nation” with the suffix “-ism” added to represent the ideology of a particular nation.
Who was famous for nationalism?
Giuseppe Mazzini was famous for his strong advocacy of nationalism during the 19th century.
Conclusion|Ncert Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1
Ncert Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of The Rise of Nationalism in Europe, exploring its causes, major events, and its impact on society. By studying and practising these solutions, students can enhance their knowledge, improve their problem-solving skills, and perform better in their exams. You can access them by visiting our website. If you have any other queries about, Ncert Solutions for Class 10 History Chapter 1 feel free to reach us so that we can revert to you at the earliest possible.