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The 2023 BRICS summit is the fifteenth ongoing annual BRICS summit.

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It is an international relations conference attended by the heads of the five member states.

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The five members states are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa  (BRICS). 

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"BRICS" is the acronym denoting the emerging national economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. 

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South Africa will host the 15th  BRICS summit 2023 in Johannesburg.

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Its headquarter is located in Shanghai, China.  

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The motto of BRICS is to 'Build-back Resiliently, Innovatively, Credibly and Sustainably'.

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The theme is "BRICS and Africa: Partnership for mutually accelerated growth, sustainable development and inclusive multilateralism".

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Expansion of Brics and use of national currencies for trade among member countries are the key agenda items of 15th  BRICS summit 2023.

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New BRICS members, of BRICS summit  are Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, Argentina, Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia.

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