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Chandrayaan-3 is the third lunar exploration mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation.

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The mission is designed to last one lunar night or 14 Earth days. 

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It has a lander and a rover like Chandrayaan-2.

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The lander will be powered by 4 throttle-able engines.

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Its propulsion module will behave like a communications relay satellite. 

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The mission will explore the far side of the Moon & conduct scientific experiments.

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It will take images at a distance of 100km from the lunar orbit.

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ISRO chief S Somnath confirmed that the launch is scheduled for July 14 at 2:35 p.m. 

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It will be launched by LVM3. 

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Chandrayaan-3 will lift off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre from Sriharikota.

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